As a company independent of banks and industry, our experienced team supports entrepreneurial hopefuls with equity, expertise and an international network. As a medium to long-term investor, we hold our portfolio companies for an average of seven years in order to increase their value and distribute high sales proceeds to investors.
Investment criteria. PATIO Direkt Service invests in companies that successfully meet new challenges in their respective markets. They should have access to the key technologies and markets of the future and thus be able to expect above-average growth in sales and earnings. They must also have the ability to set new standards in a global environment and become a respective market leader. As a formal requirement, the company should be majority-owned by active shareholders and owner-managed in order to become one of our portfolio companies.
- Positive cash flows
- Competitive business model
- Ability to achieve market leadership
Products and services
- Clear product benefits and unique selling point
- Highly scalable
- Technology leadership
- Proven track-record
- Financial incentive
- Entrepreneurial thinking and commitment
- Sectors with high growth dynamics
- Prospects for global expansion
- Profitable exit opportunity

Operational optimisation potential
- Development of further value creation potential
- Promoting corporate innovation
- R&D investments
- Sales and profit growth
- Geographical expansion
- Cost efficiency
When the opportunity lies in change. As a rule, we acquire companies that are in a transition phase and act as “change agents”. In close co-operation with the responsible management team, we develop them into successful, sustainable market players and create a continuous increase in value for the benefit of all parties involved. Acquisitions can take very different forms:
- Transformation of listed companies into private companies
- Acquisition of segments from group spin-offs
- Connecting family businesses and strategic investors
- Company acquisitions in the context of industry consolidations
When the opportunity lies in technological progress. PATIO Direkt Service also acquires stakes in innovative technology companies or takes them over if there is corresponding development potential. We provide capital for research and development R&D, the market launch of productslaunching of new products, and setting up production and internationalisation.
The question is not whether opportunities exist, but rather what they are and how they can be safely realised.